Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blog 2) Thompson Library Grand Reading Room

The grand reading room in the Thompson Public Library is one of the most inspiring places on campus.  It basically is like stepping into Hogwarts.  Whenever I need to do some studying, this is the place to go.  The simply vast ceilings and large floor space will take your breath away the first time you step foot into this chapel.  Chapel can also be used to describe the miniscule amount of noise that goes on in there.  You could literally hear a pen drop throughout the entire Room.  Another interesting idea is that the ceilings are arched.  Perhaps it's because all the knowledge is filling the room and forcing the ceiling to bow outwards in an attempt to not explode.

Maybe it's the fact that mostly Graduate level students use this room for studying that I love it there.  The atmosphere surrounding everything is purely academic.  The large shelves along the brim of the room with ancient looking books provides a great background when peering over the top of a book.  Also, the idea that every row of tables is split off by another bookshelf helps the students know that they are there to learn. 

They say that an hour spent studying in the library is equivalent to three hours of attempted study in your dorm room.  That is certainly the case for this place.  Nowhere else that I have studied has provided me with the ability to grasp all the information that I cover like this reading room.  There have been times when I have actually left a lecture to just return here and read the lecture topics myself.  It makes me chuckle when my friends say they didn't understand any of the lesson because of the teacher.  Maybe they should have come to the place of knowledge with me.


  1. I definitely agree with you that The Grand Reading Room is a great place to learn and acquire as much knowledge as possible. The Grand Reading Room gives you as a learner ample amount of space and quietness to study. This room provides comfort and the resources you need to make the most of your education here at Ohio State.

  2. From your description of the Grand Reading Room, I am curious to explore this area of the Thompson Library. I agree that when I go to the library I have ample time to study, as opposed to studying in my dorm. Nice job on your analysis!

  3. It's almost impossible to study in a dorm room. The library makes it a lot easier to be motivated to study because everyone around you is trying to do the same thing. I've been to this grand room before, the atmosphere and the way the room is arranged really does make for a successfull study session. The idea of the book shelves between tables is critical for optimal study habits because I feel like with a lot of people around you it gets easy to be distracted.

  4. I could not agree more with you! The Grand Reading Room's architecture indeed looks like it found its basis in a Harry Potter movie, none the less the atmosphere that the room supplies is comparable to Hogwarts as well. Stepping into the room for the first time back in Autumn Quarter, I was actually awe struck when I saw (and felt) all of the productivity bursting through the room's entryways. Its almost as if visiting this room with homework in hand guarantees that upon your departure you will have completed some if not all of your work.

  5. That's a very interesting analysis. I've never heard that "3 hours in dorm v.s. 1 hour at library" phrase before, but that rings true with my experience. Most of the time when I try to study in the library it's still fairly noisy and I get distracted, since I didn't know about that room. Your description alone has enticed me, I'll definitely make a point to study there next time I go to the library.
