Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Animal Cruelty Must Stop__Teen Ink

This article is depicted to those who still believe that standing up for animal rights is important.  It goes to describe how it must be stopped in order for our nation to grow into what it should be, a peaceful place for both human and animal.
Another issue of this article is to educate the audience on the different styles of animal abuse.  Right at the beginning it mentions the two separate types of abuse, passive and active.  By describing these two types, the audience learns of something that someone they know or maybe even themselves are doing to harm an animal or pet.
While describing the active abuse the author talks of how serious an issue it really is.  When it gave the idea of how animal cruelty could lead to a more violent future effects how the audience might have previously viewed the topic.  The author even provides two different instances where animal cruelty was done prior to human casualties.
The somber and serious tone of the article leads to the idea of this being a serious article in which case it obviously is.  Animal cruelty is not something that should be taken likely or for that matter ignored.  Animals and pets should be, at least in my mind, considered members of the family and deserve as much love and respect as anyone.

Link to Article:  http://www.teenink.com/hot_topics/environment/article/90968/Animal-Cruelty-Must-Stop/

1 comment:

  1. I agree that animal creulty is not something that should be taken lightly. My pet is a member of my family and I love and respect my dog just as I love the other members of my family.
