Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Letter For Future Students

Hello young ones,

I hope you are ready to write a bunch.  No I'm just kidding.  Overall this class was an experience for me that led to many new discoveries.  The course theme was a little tricky for I would be willing to say the entire class at the beginning.  However, once understood it actually opened a door to numerous ideas and discussions that I personally had never thought of.  By broadening my horizon, it has allowed me to see further into myself and see what type of writer and thinker I actually am.  I used to usually be a simple thinker when it came to matters of the entertainment industries.  By this I'm saying that I usually never cared much at all about how things were marketed or portrayed.  Now I feel as though there might be some purpose to diving into everything so deep.  Hearing of how people infer stories and signs and things like that used to drive me nuts.  I always got irritated at how much people tore things apart instead of respecting it as a whole.  Now that I've had to do this for an entire quarter, maybe I'll change and grow to appreciate this art.

Hoping you enjoy your class

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